Author: gtonewsc
I am a web developer who is working as a freelancer. I am living in Saigon, a crowded city of Vietnam. I am promoting for

UNESCO visits Valley of Mindfacture
Staff of the UNO organism traveled to Guanajuato to register the application of the Mindfacture program of innovation and development in Guanajuato

Tower of Medical Specialties is almost complete
More than 116.3 million pesos are used for its construction
It will be completed in August 2023, according to the works schedule
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Leon is waiting for you
The city of Leon, Guanajuato is ready to receive visitors in this April vacation.
The city offers everything, historical places, parks, shoppi [...]

NASA names astronauts for Moon mission
NASA and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) announced the four astronauts who will venture around the Moon on Artemis II.
All Credit:
Thi [...]

Judea celebrated as it turns 150 years
It is already 150 years of La Judea and 37 thousand spectators will come to Purisima
La Judea is made to trascend and Authorities are expecting an [...]

NASA, Boeing prepare for Starliner flight this Summer
The Starliner team works to finalize the mate of the crew module and new service module for NASA’s Boeing Crew Flight Test that will take NASA astron [...]

WRC 2023 exceeds expectations
The WRC registered more than 500,000 spectators
During the days of the event, an average hotel occupancy of 61% was registered with 23,000 rooms o [...]

Distinguished Guanajuatenses are honored
The local Government of Guanajuato City recognized the work of Guanajuatenses to make the great city it is today
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The Day of Flowers is celebrated in Guanajuato
A long held tradition is alive in a festivity that reunites thousands of Guanajuatenses
Governor participates in traditions of Cuevanenses

Hundreds of thousands of visitors in Guanajuato
Guanajuato ready to receive more than 1 million 187 thousand visitors during Holy Week and Easter
SECTUR invites you to consult the directory of t [...]