Author: gtonewsc
I am a web developer who is working as a freelancer. I am living in Saigon, a crowded city of Vietnam. I am promoting for

They have better streets in Apaseos
Works include the expansion of sanitary sewage and paved streets. The investment exceeds 14 million pesos
New streets in Apaseos will improve the [...]

Based jobs give certainty to Health staff
Daniel Diaz Martinez announces the basification of 2 thousand 855 health professionals
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Guanajuato will host the MIPyMES Summit
Governor Diego Sinhue thanked the entrepreneurs who continue to see Guanajuato as a destination of opportunities for their projects
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Hirotec Tooling celebrates 10 years in Guanajuato
We endorse our friendship with Japan, its companies continue to be our main business partners: Governor
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Construction of clinic goes on in Jalpa de Canovas
Medical infrastructure is improved to strengthen health care for families in Jalpa de Cánovas
The total construction of the new UMAPS is planned b [...]

Use the opportunity and collaborate: Santillana
The 9th. Industry 4.0 and Technological Convergence Seminar is held and organized by the School of Higher Studies, Leon ENES-UNAM
Logistics is pos [...]

Guanajuato to host WMF Summit 2024
Meeting Tourism is one of the 9 segments that the Secretary of Tourism promotes with more emphasis
Guanajuato is the fifth national destination in [...]

Libia promotes growth and development
“We want all the municipalities of Guanajuato to grow and develop!”, informed the secretary of Social Development of Guanajuato in her social network [...]

Innovation and creativity are recognized
The Governor gave the lecture "The Valley of Mindfacture for Social Evolution"
The Mindfacture 2023 awards were granted to Guanajuatenses with inn [...]

Guanajuato confirms the best health cluster
We are taking another step in Guanajuato by consolidating the health cluster: Diego Sinhue
The MAC Hospital in León is inaugurated
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