Author: gtonewsc
I am a web developer who is working as a freelancer. I am living in Saigon, a crowded city of Vietnam. I am promoting for

Magic Towns promoted in LA
Guanajuato has an enriching agenda until September 24, with business meetings, destination presentations “Live Great Stories in Guanajuato”, activati [...]

Migrants stranded in Irapuato are assisted
Thousands of migrants were stranded in Irapuato as the Ferromex trains are not moving
The Secretary of Migrants of Guanajuato is getting humanitar [...]

NASA’s Webb finds carbon source on Jupiter’s moon Europa
For as long as humans have gazed into the night sky, we have wondered about life beyond Earth. Scientists now know that several places in our solar s [...]

Governor announces more works and investment for Leon
A new “Super” Militarized High School, the consolidation of the Leon MX District, an elevated bridge at the intersection of the Metropolitan Axis wit [...]

The Marquesada Festival 2023 is presented
These type of festivals help to continue positioning Salvatierra as one of the main tourist attractions nationwide
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Libia announces new works for Victoria
Secretary Libia Dennise announced that the State Government will allocate a resource of 21.2 million pesos to benefit Victorian families.
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Security strengthened in GTO Puerto Interior
12 new FSPE patrols come into operation to strengthen surveillance and prevention in Guanajuato Puerto Interior
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Governor inaugurates HIHO Wheel plant in Guanajuato
The Korean company produces automotive aluminum wheels, HIHO will invest 100 million dollars and will create 600 jobs in Guanajuato
With HIHO Whee [...]

Now on construction, bridge on Santa Ana del Conde road
The bridge will benefit inhabitants, workers and commerce in the area
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Leon/Gt [...]

A more secure Driver’s License is presented
With the new security features authorities commit to innovation and the adoption of technological systems, for the benefit of the citizens of Guanaju [...]