Author: gtonewsc
I am a web developer who is working as a freelancer. I am living in Saigon, a crowded city of Vietnam. I am promoting for
Webb spotlights gravitational arcs in ‘El Gordo’
The Fishhook. The Thin One. These are just two of the striking targets revealed in new detail by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope.
Webb observed [...]
Governor presents the Youth with Greatness State Award 2023
Thirteen young people are recognized for their conduct, dedication, example of human development, professional growth or good practices
The winner [...]
Guanajuato is less poor than the national average
More than 570,000 Guanajuatenses overcame poverty, while 77,750 overcame extreme poverty
Libia Dennise presents the results of CONEVAL 2022 on the [...]
ATEI Declaration is made for Innovation, Science and Culture
"Today is a very important day for cultural and scientific dissemination in Ibero America with this Declaration": Diego Sinhue
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Guanajuato boasts lowest poverty rate
The decrease in multidimensional poverty is by almost 10 percentage points. Extreme poverty in Guanajuato is barely half the national rate
The Sta [...]
2nd edition of Wine Festival in Dolores Hidalgo
This event was enriched with a concert of the 10 that the "Rock Revolution 2023, Tour of Guanajuato" will present in the State
Da click en el link [...]
SECTUR holds 3rd. Social Tourism Day
The International Social Tourism Organization -ISTO- recognizes Guanajuato as a socially conscious destination
Guanajuato has made important progr [...]
Governor inaugurates Metalsa in Apaseo El Grande
Guanajuato takes firm steps in the reconversion towards electro-mobility in the Automotive Cluster
Grupo Proeza invested 180 million dollars and w [...]
Libia presents SEDESHU actions to COPARMEX-Leon
The President of COPARMEX reiterates his support for the actions of SEDESHU in favor of families from Guanajuato
“What we want is for the culture [...]
The XVI Assembly of Educational and Cultural Television starts in Leon
TV4 is the host of the summit that aims to improve education, culture and science through television and information and communication technologies