Author: gtonewsc
I am a web developer who is working as a freelancer. I am living in Saigon, a crowded city of Vietnam. I am promoting for

The Night of Industrials of RAI is inaugurated
It is a pride to welcome the industrial leaders of Mexico. Welcome all of you to Guanajuato: Governor
‘In these 5 years, the ITM Fair has establis [...]

Atlanta and Detroit arrive at Guanajuato Airport
With these two new flights that will arrive in Guanajuato, the International Airport will continue to raise the aviation flag positioning itself as t [...]

ELRAD Electronics inaugurates plant in Apaseo El Grande
Guanajuato is consolidated as one of the best destinations for investments, as confirmed by the 129 companies, 6,448 million dollars of investment an [...]

Granted ‘Best of Guanajuato’ awards
In addition to awarding Guanajuato in 20 categories, the Mexico Desconocido audience recognized two projects in inclusive and sustainable matters

Cells could defend against Alzheimer’s
People with an abundance of specific neurons are more likely to escape cognitive decline despite having signs of Alzheimer’s in their brains, reporte [...]

UTL celebrates 28th anniversary
Its has been 28 years that the Technological University has received Guanajuatense students
The “Hall of Rectors” is opened and it pays homage to [...]

Record-setting NASA astronaut returns
During his record-breaking mission, Frank Rubio spent many hours on scientific activities aboard the space station, conducting a variety of tasks ran [...]

Postgraduates of UVEG are credited by CIEES
The accreditation gives the programs of UVEG official validity before the federal Secretary of Public Education -SEP-
The educational model of UVE [...]

State and Municipality join effort for Purisima
The State and the Municipality Governments, will assign resources for 50.5 million pesos for the execution of social works and programs
Libi [...]

Libia witnesses arrival of new AMDA committee
Libya Dennise confirms commitment to the business and automotive sector in Guanajuato
'AMDA GTO Woman' and 'AMDA GTO Career' awards are presented