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‘Attacks won’t stop peace from coming to Guanajuato’

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‘Attacks won’t stop peace from coming to Guanajuato’

The Security Cabinet meets with the mayors of Acambaro and Jerecuaro at the State C5 facilities to outline strategic actions and review data that wil

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The Security Cabinet meets with the mayors of Acambaro and Jerecuaro at the State C5 facilities to outline strategic actions and review data that will allow those responsible to be found quickly

The events that occurred in Acambaro and Jerecuaro will not stop the work to bring peace to Guanajuato: Libia Dennise

Silao/Gto News

“The events on Thursday morning in the municipalities of Acambaro and Jerecuaro are acts that will in no way stop the coordinated work of the 3 levels of government to bring peace to Guanajuato”, said Governor Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo.

As immediate actions, from the moment the events occurred, an air and land operation was deployed by the State Public Security Forces, the State Prosecutor’s Office, the Secretary of National Defense, the National Guard, the Attorney General’s Office, the National Intelligence Center and the municipal police.

This joint work will be further intensified, especially with intelligence actions to prevent criminal acts.

It was reported that the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic has started an investigation into these events, with the full support of State and Municipal authorities.

The Security Cabinet met at the C5 facilities of the State with the Municipal Presidents of Acambaro and Jerecuaro to outline strategic actions and review the data that will allow them to quickly find those responsible.

Governor Libia Dennise asked this coordinated working group of the three levels of government to carry out all necessary actions to clarify the facts, protect Guanajuato families and protect the State.

The Governor instructed that all institutional support be given to the elements that were injured in the municipality of Acambaro and that a structural review of the buildings be carried out, supporting the families and businesses that suffered damage to their properties.

The following Officials participated in this meeting:

  • Governor Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo; Attorney General of Guanajuato, Carlos Zamarripa Aguirre; the Secretary of Government, Jorge Jimenez Lona; the Secretary of Security and Peace of the State, Mauro Gonzalez Martinez
  • The Commander of the XVI Military Zone, General Francisco Javier Zubia Gonzalez, with the Commander Paulo Francisco Benitez Gomez; the Representative of the Federal Prosecutor in Guanajuato, Jorge Omar Bazua Sanchez; the State Coordinator of the National Guard in Guanajuato, Rogelio Garcia Perez
  • The Mayor of Jerecuaro, Maria Isabel Acevedo Mercado; and the Mayor of Acambaro, Claudia Silva Campos

The Attacks

  • In Jerecuaro: At 05:40 hours of Thursday a strong explosion was reported; 4 vehicles were damaged and damage was also reported to the facades on Calzada Juarez. Fortunately, there were NO civilians or police officers injured.
  • In Acambaro: Three officers were injured when an explosive device went off outside the Municipal Public Security facilities on Rio Colorado Street, corner with Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez, in which one female police officer was seriously injured, and two more police officers suffered injuries that did not require transfer to a hospital.

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