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Art from Uriangato is taken to Belgium

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Art from Uriangato is taken to Belgium

Guanajuato will be part of the 50th Anniversary of the Brussels Flower Carpet, in Belgium Artists from Guanajuato will travel to Europe in August

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Guanajuato will be part of the 50th Anniversary of the Brussels Flower Carpet, in Belgium

Artists from Guanajuato will travel to Europe in August to capture their art in the celebration ‘The Flower Carpet’

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Leon/Gto News

Once again the art of Guanajuato will be in the eyes of the world in the Great Plaza of Brussels, Belgium, with the participation of flower carpet makers from Uriangato, in the celebration of the 50th anniversary of ‘The Flower Carpet 2022’ .


The event is held from August 12 to the 15, as part of the Assumption Day festivities, where volunteers from all over Belgium participate with special guests from other parts of the world, to create a tapestry in this square that dates back to the 16th century.

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“This event is recognized worldwide as the maximum expression of ephemeral art in the world of carpeting; the monumental carpet on which we will work is equivalent to 1,680 square meters. In this edition we will put all the heart and dedication we are well known for”, said Roo Aguilar Aguado, carpet maker from Uriangato and member of the Organizing Committee La Octava Noche Uriangato, AC.

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For this year, the artist from Guanajuato contributes her talent with the designer Koen Vondenbusch, Technical Director and member of the Board of Directors of Flower Carpet Brussels.  

“I am honored to be invited as a designer along with my friend and fellow rug maker Koen. Together we designed a reinterpretation of the first carpet made in 1971, with the image of Saint Michael the Archangel, Patron Saint of Brussels and Uriangato”, added Roo Aguilar Aguado.

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Both designers renewed the graphics to give them a contemporary look where coherence and respect for proportions are essential. They spent more than 280 hours reconstructing the design of the 1971 tapestry and adding their own unique style.

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The design that will be created with flowers and colored sawdust is based on ‘Arabesques’, which are elegant ornaments created by the Belgian Etinne Stautemas, who designed the original carpet in 1971 and now 50 years later, an attempt is made to capture this design, as a tribute the original tapestry.

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“The artistic, cultural and craft greatness of Guanajuato has transcended borders. It is a pride to know that for the second edition, carpet makers from Uriangato were invited to this maximum event of ephemeral art in Europe”, said Irazema Álvarez Pérez, Director of Information and Analysis of the Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato.

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“We must remember that January 23, 2020, is a very important date for all Uriangatenses, because that is when the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, issued the government decree by means of which he declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of the State of Guanajuato the rugs and carpets of Uriangato and the festivity of La Octava de San Miguel”, recognized Angel Alvarez Nunez, carpet maker and President of the Organizing Committee La Octava Noche Uriangato AC.

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