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ANPIC: Pillar and support of economy

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ANPIC: Pillar and support of economy

The Government of Guanajuato reiterates its support for the strengthening and modernization of the supply sector The Secretary of Government, Libi

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The Government of Guanajuato reiterates its support for the strengthening and modernization of the supply sector

The Secretary of Government, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, heads the inauguration of ANPIC 60

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Leon/Gto News

“In Guanajuato we recognize the value of footwear supply, an economic sector, which is a fundamental piece in the comprehensive development of the State”, said the Secretary of Government, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo.


The State Official led, on behalf of the Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, the opening ceremony of the 60th Edition of the exhibition of the National Association of Suppliers for the Footwear Industry -ANPIC -.

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“The leather and footwear industry has been a pillar and family, social, economic and cultural support for many generations, we make clear our support for ANPIC because we will continue working together and building bridges for the generation of jobs for the benefit of the Guanajuato”, said Munoz Ledo.

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“I reiterate the commitment that the State Government has with each and every one of you: the challenges ahead are great, but they represent areas of opportunity and challenges that we know you will face as you know how: with a lot of passion, courage, new strategies and competitiveness to continue positioning yourselves in the world,” said the Secretary.

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The joint work of ANPIC with the State Government and the Municipalities, pointed out Garcia Munoz Ledo, has propiciated the creation of better strategies and, above all, opportunities for growth and employment, with an adaptation to changes and competing in the globalized world.

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“The industrialists, distributors and service providers have been characterized by not giving up in the face of adversity and promoting with tenacity and commitment, the economic development of Leon, Guanajuato and of course Mexico,” said Munoz Ledo.

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In this Autumn-Winter edition of ANPIC, international buyers and visitors will find companies that supply machinery and materials for the sectors:

  • Leather-footwear-leather goods, textile-clothing, furniture and automotive

For the 60th edition of ANPIC, organizers expect the visit of more than 8 thousand buyers and visitors from countries like:

  • The United States, Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Turkey, among others
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“We wish everyone great success, that your expectations are not only met, but that they exceed previous editions, because each one of you contribute to making of Guanajuato the Greatness of Mexico,” said the Government Secretary. 

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