The Governor calls on the productive sector to take advantage of the USMCA As the USMCA goes into effect in North America, Guanajuato is ready to

As the USMCA goes into effect in North America, Guanajuato is ready to take advantage
The Governor of Guanajuato calls on producers to use the USMCA and geta head of the Covid 19 crisis
Guanajuato/ Gto News
“With the USMCA the doors of opportunity are being opened for Guanajuato. And we must take advantage of this, you (producers) and us, working toghether, with one single goal”, said the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo as the USMCA, the trade agreement between the United States of America, Mexico and Canada came into effect today.
“We have great strengths that we have built for years, like the fact that we are the sixth strongest State in economy in Mexico and we are also strong in exports”, said the Governor who invited entrepreneurial leaders to work and get ahead of this health and economic crisis through innovation and hard work for Guanajuato and Mexico.