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All work against fire at landfill in Apaseo el Grande


All work against fire at landfill in Apaseo el Grande

SMAOT is supporting activities to contain fire at the Apaseo el Grande Final Disposal Site and maintains air quality monitoring Más Gto/Apaseo El

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SMAOT is supporting activities to contain fire at the Apaseo el Grande Final Disposal Site and maintains air quality monitoring

Más Gto/Apaseo El Grande

In a joint effort to safeguard the environment and the health of the population, the Ministry of Environment and Territorial Planning -SMAOT- supports to control the fire at the final disposal site of Apaseo El Grande, in addition to maintaining close monitoring of air quality.

During a visit to the site, personnel from the Secretary provided technical advice to collaborators from the areas of Civil Protection, Firefighters and Public Services of the municipality of Apaseo El Grande, regarding forecasts of dominant winds at the location (speed, orientation and changes), in order to support the execution of the contingency plan.

The SMAOT provided a motor pump and a pipe, which add to the efforts of the Apaseo El Grande authorities; from neighboring municipalities such as Apaseo El Alto, Celaya and Comonfort; state agencies such as the Environmental and Territorial Planning Office (PAOT), the State Coordination of Civil Protection and the Guanajuato Health Secretary; as well as constant support from the private initiative, which has also provided heavy machinery, pipes and personnel.

Also SMAOT provides information in real time, to keep citizens updated, through the Air Quality Monitoring System of the State of Guanajuato (SIMEG) and the State Air Quality Information Subsystem (SEICA) at:

After the fire, concentrations of particles less than or equal to 10 micrometers (PM10) were recorded in the municipality of Celaya, where the closest monitoring station is located, presenting episodes of Bad and Very Bad air quality with a high and very high associated risk level (in accordance with the provisions of the Air and Health Index, established in NOM-172-SEMARNAT-2023).

Therefore, the population is recommended to take measures to protect their health, such as reducing vigorous physical activities outdoors, keeping doors and windows closed, and going to the doctor if they present any symptoms.

For sensitive groups such as children, older adults, people with nutritional deficiencies, as well as people who perform outdoor activities, cyclists and workers, it is recommended to avoid physical activities, both moderate and vigorous outdoors, since exercising requires more oxygen and respiratory rate increases, resulting in greater exposure.

It is important to highlight that the Municipality of Apaseo El Grande has its own contingency plan, developed in collaboration with the SMAOT and in line with the Guide for the control of fires in solid waste landfills, published by the National Center for Disaster Prevention (CENAPRED), which can be found at: