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All invited to ‘Read the Sky’

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All invited to ‘Read the Sky’

The IEC will hold an astronomical conference in Santa Catarina as well as a star-gazing weekend Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer

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The IEC will hold an astronomical conference in Santa Catarina as well as a star-gazing weekend

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Leon/Gto News

“Reading the Sky” is the name of the astronomical day that the State Institute of Culture in collaboration with the Optics Research Center and the municipality of Santa Catarina will hold from December 1st to 3rd in the community of Paredes in Santa Catarina, Guanajuato.


This event is an excellent opportunity not only to observe the constellations in a place where there is no light pollution, but attendees will also be able to enjoy workshops, talks, storytelling, a reading room and will learn to read the celestial planispheres.

Star Gazing Santa Catarina Guanajuato 3

The program begins on December 1 with the workshop:

Orality and writing: instruments to preserve community memory

On December 2 will continue:

Preparation of the community newspaper, both coordinated by Sara Zepeda starting at 10 am

On December 3, the activities begin at 5:30 pm:

A show of Oral Narrative Pre-Hispanic Myths: Fantastic Stories of the Creation of the Universe with Sara Zepeda Munoz. The hours are 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm

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Starting at 5:30 pm there will be simultaneous workshops on the Making of Celestial Constelloscopes that will be presented by the Optics Research Center –CIO-, a workshop on making pop-up cards by the Central Library and an astrophotography workshop with Amilcar Jimenez. Each one with two sessions of one hour.

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To conclude from 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Astronomical Observation will be carried out with the Telescopes of the Wigberto Jimenez Moreno State Central Library of Guanajuato and the Optics Research Center.

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Attendees will also be able to enjoy the Youth on the Move camp that is made available by the Youth Care Coordination of Santa Catarina.

These activities are part of the Scientific Dissemination program that the State Institute of Culture has been organizing for years in collaboration with Institutions such as the Mexican Academy of Sciences, the CIO, CIMAT, the Department of Astronomy and the Division of Sciences and Engineering of the UG, IPN and ENES-UNAM Leon.

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