Organizers expect some 11 thousand visitors in the 10th Edition of the Magic Nights in the now called Best World Tourism Village Purisima del Rinc
Organizers expect some 11 thousand visitors in the 10th Edition of the Magic Nights in the now called Best World Tourism Village
Purisima del Rincon/Gto News
Next november 11th the Best World Tourism Village Jalpa de Canovas a Magic town of Purisima del Rincon, is the site of the event Magic Nights in its tenth edition, with music events and for the first time with a show for kids, informed Mayor of Purisima del Rincon, Roberto Garcia Urbano.

Purisimenses, neighbors and tourists from all over, all are special guests to the events that start at 4 in the afternoon on Saturday November 11th and will finish well after midnight.
For this edition of the event 60 merchants will participate, many of them from Purisima del Rincon and the rest from other municipalities.

Mayor Garcia Urbano informed about the events that will be offered during the Magic Nights, and they are:
- 4pm dance by members of the House of Culture of Purisima del Rincon
- 5pm the show of Bely and Beto
- 6pm Banda Purisima
- 8pm the inaugural protocol act
- 8:15pm globes are inflated
- 9:30pm Group Sangre Felina performance

“With the emblem as Best World Tourism Village, comes a new commitment for the City Administration and for Jalpa de Canovas, hence we will intensify the call to protect the environment. Abroad they are surprised that we maintain our history and that we have the social value of taking care of the natural spaces, so we will invite all visitors to not use styrofoam and that all come with their own glass or container, where they can consume what they buy, because we all can contribute to improve and take care of the environment”, said the Mayor

Frida Ximena Huett Lopez, Director of Tourism Culture of the Government of Guanajuato, informed that Purisima del Rincon has become with Jalpa de Canovas the great showcase to show what we have in Mexico, “being competitive in the attraction of tourists, leads us to live great stories that become memorable in Guanajuato”.
“This year we have had progress with one event to another, La Judea, the Agave Festival in its first edition, Purisima de Mil Sabores, Agave and Quince Fair, Revolution of Rock and all of them have generated an economic spending in Purisima del Rincon for 35 million pesos, with some 90 thousand visitors, we will keep seeing each other here for some time”, said Huett Lopez.
Roberto Camargo Perez, director of Tourism of Purisima del Rincon, said that the sustainable route starts in Jalpa de Canovas, but all the touristic corridor of the Municipality will be serviced as it has been instructed by the Mayor so that waste is reduced and well disposed of.

“Jalpa de Canovas should be enjoyed, since one day before the event, or more and then stay and enjoy the calm of the rural tourism, with no traffic, nor lights, with the sight of 5 inflated ballons and a surprise this year. And looking back we have gone from 5 thousand to 11 thousand visitors and this year we expect 11 thousand people just like last year or more and an important spending”, said Camargo.
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