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A more modern airport in Guanajuato

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A more modern airport in Guanajuato

Passengers will receive a better quality service when they travel to El Bajio for business or pleasure Authorities were at the new VIP lounge Baji

Guanajuato has 21 active commercial flights
Guanajuato has a stronger aerospace industry
SECTUR Gto certifies Guanajuato Airport

Passengers will receive a better quality service when they travel to El Bajio for business or pleasure

VIP Lounge Airport 2
Authorities were at the new VIP lounge Bajio

The new VIP Lounge Bajio was opened to provide quality attention to passengers

Silao/Gto News

The International Airport of Guanajuato modernized its infrastructure; Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo and Officials of the Grupo Aeroportuario del Pacifico, inaugurated the VIP Lounge Bajio.

Clases ingles a distancia 2

Operations don’t stop

“The modernization and expansion of this airport is no easy task, because refurbishing must be done as operations go on, passengers must go on using the airport”, said the Governor.

For us, the users of this airport, we are really glad to see how it has grown not only in its premises to better serve passengers, but also the runway and parking lot”, said the Governor.

VIP Lounge Airport 3
A more comfortable space for travelers

Quality service

The VIP Lounge Bajio, said the Governor, will provide a quality attention to those who visit Guanajuato and those who come to do business or investments.


Constant improvement

Eduardo Contreras Mora, General Director of the Guanajuato International Airport, noted that the new infrastructure has increased by 300% the capacity of attention to passengers.

“We are saying that before, we only had 60 seats and now we have 102, this gives us much more space for people to be more comfortable in our hall and they will be able to board planes through an exclusive and safe access”, said Contreras.

VIP Lounge Airport 4
Better service and more comfortable space for travelers

The Guanajuato International Airport

  • 15 routes
  • 8 to national destinations
  • 7 to international destinations
  • 3 national airlines
  • 2 international airlines
  • 143 weekly flights
  • 21 thousand seats
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VIP Lounge Airport 5
The Governor and other Officials paid a visit to the staff of the VIP Lounge