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A Guanajuatense at the NASA

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A Guanajuatense at the NASA

Manuel Retana Parra works designing life support systems and control systems for the International Space Station Some of the achievments of Manuel

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Manuel Retana Parra works designing life support systems and control systems for the International Space Station

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Some of the achievments of Manuel Retana Parra

A magistral conference was held by the Engineer who is a pride for Guanajuato and for all of Mexico

Leon/Gto News

In order to talk about the topics of greater interest for young students who want to know how to start a career in the fields of sciences, the State Government through the Institute for the Development and Attention of Youngsters, Educafin Evolutions presented the conference of Manuel Retana Parra, an aero space ingeneer at the Johnson Space Center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration –NASA-.


From Earth to Space

Retana Parra works on control systems and life support to help astronauts who live in the International Space Station –ISS-.

Education Institutions of Guanajuato, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Tabasco and NASA worked together so that this story turns into an inspiration for hundreds of young students in Mexico, the conference was sent via streaming through the platforms of the mentioned institutes.

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Students and Officials present at the conference by Manuel Retana

A very special mark

Jorge Enrique Hernandez Meza, General Director of the Institute Educafin Evolutions, represented the Governor in this event and said that the trajectory of Manuel Retana Parra is very important for Guanajuato because he is a Guanajuatense that goes throughout the world making history and that he is surely stamping in Mexico a very special mark besides being a pride for Guanajuato and Mexico.

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Manuel Retana Parra, an outstanding Guanajuatenses at NASA

An inspiring question

Manuel Retana Parra talked live with more than 500 young students about his experience as a student and then as an engineer at NASA, he thanked for the opportunity to talk to students and shared an inspiring question that he asked all youngsters to answer:

Who am I and where do I want to go?

Parra invited students to reflect on the road that they should take to achieve their goals, their dreams and never forget about those who help them achieve their goals, he also shared his method to get financing for his school and be able to pay for his studies abroad, Parra also said that he is really proud of his mother, Manuela Parra.

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An example for students

Manuel Retana Parra is a Mechanics Engineer from the University of Nevada and then he studied a masters in Aeronautics and Astronautics at the University of Stanford.

Retana Parra, who is proudly Mexican, no doubt will become a referral for all those young students in Mexico, who inspired by his story and trajectory will see in him, a great example to follow and hopefully all of them will touch the Universe.

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It was a great idea to have Manuel Retana talk to young students
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