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A great opportunity to grow

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A great opportunity to grow

The world needs products and producers need suppliers and Guanajuato is ready to deliver COFOCE presents great opportunities for producers in

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The world needs products and producers need suppliers and Guanajuato is ready to deliver

COFOCE years end results perspectives 2

COFOCE presents great opportunities for producers in Guanajuato

Leon/Gto News

Exports are one of the most important engines of the economy of Guanajuato, they provide 66% of the GDP of the State.


Exports to create wealth

Guanajuato is focused on exports and fosters ecosystems to create wealth, said Luis Ernesto Rojas Avila, General Director of COFOCE, the Coordinator of Promotion of Foreign Trade.

COFOCE years end results perspectives 3

Certified companies

The upcoming year 2022 will be a year when companies should be prepared with certifications, be more competitive, stay in digital platforms and marketplaces, give their products an addedd value and work more to adopt digital resources, diversification and make it easier for buyers all over the world to come in contact with them, said Rojas.

COFOCE years end results perspectives 4

An opportunity

“Economy is reconfiguring in all forms”, said Rojas Avila as he mentioned that the problems of China to deliver its products to the world means that it is less competitive now and that jis an opportunity for Guanajuato.

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A share of the market

Guanajuato has secured a share of the market China had before the pandemic, for example in packaging and boxes, construction materials, automotive components, autoparts, leather goods, clothing, shoes, hats, etcetera.

COFOCE years end results perspectives 5

Chinese sold everything

“Clothing sales are growing steadily, pet products. Just think about everything the US bought from China… it is everything”, said Rojas Avila.

Buyers from everywhere will increase in the next 2 to 3 years, and COFOCE will work to help the producer.

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Foro GO a great showcase

Rojas Avila mentioned how important Foro Go is. The 5th edition is coming next year and it reaches some 5 thousand people.

“We are having this massive reach to entrepreneurs that lets them see the world as a possible destination for their products”, said Rojas Avila.

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A greater margin

The Director of COFOCE said that exports online have helped increase the margin of profitability in 35% to 200% for companies, that is where the big difference is, it lets you reach the final consumer with your own brand and lets you have a stronger sales alternative.

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Shoe industry is back

Industry in Guanajuato has a great perspective for next year and the years after in all sectors. Shoes for example, had the best year in 2015, and now the sales of that year are superior and the industry is having a solid recovery.

COFOCE has helped companies in getting their international certification and now 82 more companies can export.

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Success stories on a Series

Also, recently COFOCE and TV4 launched the Second Season of the Series “Made in Gto”, where exporting companies tell their success stories, the way they operate as companies.

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Three digital villages have been successful recently:

  • Comonfort with Molcajetes and stone products
  • Dolores Hidalgo and San Felipe with ceramics
  • Huanimaro with Tequila

And three more digital villages are about to start operations in the digital market. All this as COFOCE prepares to celebrate its 30th anniversary helping producers in Guanajuato take their products to the world.

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