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Libia presents the ‘Guanajuato INTELLIGENT’ program

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Libia presents the ‘Guanajuato INTELLIGENT’ program

Today, we're using technology as an ally to foster closeness, bridge distances, and streamline communication. We're taking a firm step toward the fut

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Today, we’re using technology as an ally to foster closeness, bridge distances, and streamline communication. We’re taking a firm step toward the future for the benefit of the people: Governor

Libia Dennise interacted with “Esperanza”, the Artificial Intelligence tool that serves the people of Guanajuato

Guanajuato/Gto News

The Governor of the People, Libia Dennise García Muñoz Ledo, presented the “Guanajuato INTELLIGENT” Government Program, with which “we are taking a firm step towards the future, in which innovation and technology become tools of change and allies of the people”.

“I’m thrilled to be able to present something that will pave the way for what we, the people of Guanajuato, will do in the coming years,” said Libia Dennise.

Here in Guanajuato, every innovation has a clear purpose: to improve the lives of our people. Today, we make technology an ally to foster closeness, bridge distances, and streamline communication, said the Governor.

From the iconic Juarez Theater in Guanajuato, the Governor presented “Esperanza,” an artificial intelligence tool with which she interacted about the future of Guanajuato.

“Today I want to introduce you to someone very special… someone who supported us throughout the campaign and who will now be joining us in the Government of the People to provide information about this Government Program, answer your questions, and bring the government closer to every home in Guanajuato: she is Esperanza,” said the Governor.

“Esperanza” said Libia, is a very easy-to-use app that simplifies procedures and works well throughout the State.

Yesli, Laura Patricia, and Luciana also joined this discussion, asking “Esperanza” questions related with the support for young people within this government program, as well as support for entrepreneurs, and the actions being taken to promote the healthy development of children in our State.

The Governor invited the people of Guanajuato to meet “Esperanza” and visit the website:

The People’s Government Program is the guide that directs efforts to achieve a sustainable, equitable, and transparent Guanajuato, which includes six Strategic Axes:

1. Tranquility

The purpose of this axis is to restore peace and security through a comprehensive strategy to reduce crime, strengthen crime prevention, and ensure comprehensive care for victims of violence, including the search for missing persons.

“Today, we are not ignoring the reality we are experiencing. This is a demand for justice, and I say it from here today: we will not rest until peace and tranquility return to Guanajuato,” said Libia Dennise.

2. Equality

With this axis, we will build a society where people have access to equal development opportunities. We will reduce inequality gaps, with an emphasis on women and groups in need of priority attention.

For the People’s Government, a priority is protecting the human rights and dignity of all people, as well as ensuring the protection and full development of children and adolescents.

3. Trust

This axis will strengthen the relationship between the government and citizens through effective, efficient public management focused on serving the people.

Financial efficiency and the sustainability of public resources will be maintained, with mechanisms that guarantee integrity in all government actions.


With this axis priority is given to developing each person’s potential. Coverage in early childhood, preschool, and upper secondary education will be increased so that more girls, boys, and young people have access to quality education from the earliest stages of their lives.

Enrollment will be increased at all educational levels, preventing dropouts, while strengthening reading comprehension and artistic education skills.

5. Prosperity

Libia Dennise said that together, they will build an economy that remains more dynamic than ever, but also more inclusive.

We will promote the protection of intellectual property, and strengthen support funds for local creators and partnerships with the private sector. We will also promote the sustainable development of the agro-food sector, increasing the productivity and profitability of production units.

6. Harmony

The goal is to achieve a balance between productivity and sustainability, always recognizing the value of natural resources for collective well-being and regional competitiveness.

“We will promote environmental protection with an emphasis on water balance and sustainability, through responsible and efficient water management. We will foster the development of sustainable and resilient human settlements, capable of facing the challenges of climate change and offering decent living conditions,” said Libia.

The Governor said that along with these six Strategic Axes that define the fundamental aspirations for Guanajuato, the Government Program incorporates three Cross-Cutting Axes.

The first is the Empowerment of Women. Here, the priority is to transform the reality of Guanajuatense women through concrete actions that promote substantive equality and empowerment in all aspects of public and private life.

The second cross-cutting focus is the care of the young. “We will promote the comprehensive development of young people in Guanajuato, with full recognition of their diversity and their transformative role in society”.

And the third cross-cutting theme is technological innovation and digitalization. “We will decisively promote the modernization of public administration by leveraging technology to improve people’s quality of life.

Libia said the existing digital divides will disappear so that technological innovation benefits all sectors of society, especially those historically marginalized from access to these tools.

“This is everyone’s program. This is the people’s program. Today it’s our turn to move forward. With more strength, more commitment, more determination, with a Guanajuato INTELLIGENT, I am sure we will give a better future to all Guanajuato residents,” said the Governor.

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