Through the "Super League of Health" caravans, staff will carry out weight and height measurements, nutritional status assessments, oral health scree
Through the “Super League of Health” caravans, staff will carry out weight and height measurements, nutritional status assessments, oral health screenings, eye exams, and active recreation activities
With the “Super Health League” program we want a healthy and happy childhood: Governor
Leon/Gto News
The “Super Health League” program caravans will reach elementary schools in the State’s 46 municipalities; the first 20 brigades began in Celaya, Cortazar, Guanajuato, Irapuato, Leon, and Silao.

Governor of the People, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, informed it during the broadcast of the program “Connecting with the People,” where she discussed the main actions to be carried out in the “Super League of Health” strategy, for which she was accompanied by the President of the Advisory Council of the State DIF System, Juan Carlos Montesinos Carranza.
“This program, which began last Friday at the Eufrasia Pantoja Elementary School in Leon, is a great crusade for the health of our children, because we want a healthy and happy childhood,” said Libia Dennise.

Montesinos Carranza explained that this strategy, which goes hand in hand with the Federal Program “Live Healthy, Live Happy,” has the main objective of promoting healthy habits and preventing obesity problems in childhood.
Through these caravans, which also involve the State DIF, the Secretary of Education, the Secretary of Health, and the State Sports Commission, activities will include weight and height measurements, nutritional status assessments, oral health screenings, eye exams, and active recreation, the Governor said.

Montecinos Carranza said it’s important to encourage children to eat healthy, drink more water, and consume fewer sugary soft drinks and juices. And school convenience stores should gradually eliminate junk food.
And during these caravans, vaccinations will also be provided, as the basic schedules required by students will be administered. We want to continue vaccination coverage, and to achieve this, we will maintain close communication with parents, said Libia Dennise.
“We are very excited about this program, which is a great crusade for the health of our children and will raise awareness about improving healthy habits among Guanajuatense families,” said the Governor.

During active recess, the President of the State DIF explained, students will be encouraged to move around and enjoy healthy social interaction in school spaces, working with ropes, balls, and playing games in the schoolyard.
Montesinos Carranza said that “with these actions, we will impact many girls and boys, and as a result, we will have healthier adults.”

“We’re going to tour the schools of Guanajuato with the Health Super League, because we want a healthy, happy childhood, living a plentiful life,” the Governor said.
Libia insisted that this strategy emphasizes the coordination of the Secretary of Health, the Secretary of Education (SEG), the DIF System, and the CODE, with the participation of parents and teachers.
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