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SOP to invest 621.2 MP in road maintenance in 2025

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SOP to invest 621.2 MP in road maintenance in 2025

The Public Works Secretary of Guanajuato is the only one in Mexico that has a Pavement Management System Guanajuato is a national benchmark for th

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The Public Works Secretary of Guanajuato is the only one in Mexico that has a Pavement Management System

Guanajuato is a national benchmark for the good condition of its roads

Guanajuato/Gto News

“In 2025, the Government of the People will invest 621.2 million pesos for the maintenance and conservation of the State highway network”, said the head of the Secretariat of Public Works (SOP), Juan Pablo Pérez Beltrán.

Perez Beltran noted that Guanajuato is the only State in Mexico that has a Pavement Management System (SAP), which has allowed Guanajuato’s roads to be among the best in all of Mexico. 

Perez explained that SAP offers an accurate measurement of the state of roads, so that interventions on them are prioritized objectively, ensuring that every peso allocated to maintenance tasks is well invested.

“We are an institution that works with this system of international standards, through which the damage and deterioration present in the pavements of the State road network are determined; with this information we take precision shots when defining the Annual Highway Conservation Program, which includes routine and periodic conservation, rehabilitation, the bridge management system and stabilization and attention to slopes,” said the official.

Perez Beltran said that of the 2,857 km that currently make up the State highway network, 86.47% are in very good and acceptable condition, according to the International Regularity Index (IRI). The IRI is an international indicator endorsed by the World Bank and influences the road comfort and safety characteristics experienced by users.

“Having roads in good condition is a factor that, in addition to providing comfort and safety to users who travel on them, allows Guanajuato to be a center of attraction for investments, as our governor Libia Dennise has instructed us to do,” added Perez Beltran. 

With actions like this, the commitment of the Governor of the People, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, to ensure that Guanajuato continues to be a national benchmark for the good condition of its roads is fulfilled.  

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