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UVEG celebrates 1,624 graduates

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UVEG celebrates 1,624 graduates

They add UVEG graduates from Guanajuato, Mexico and the world Virtual classrooms, the answer for the productive sectors Da click en el link al

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They add UVEG graduates from Guanajuato, Mexico and the world

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

The name of the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato –UVEG- is now well positioned by the testimonials of the 1,624 new graduates from Guanajuato, multiple states of the Mexican Republic and even from other countries. 


This July 21, they met for the Virtual Graduation Ceremony whose objective was to honor the dedication, effort and discipline shown to go on in their academic training through UVEG’s online academic programs.

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Through this formal act, the group of graduates had the opportunity to celebrate with their virtual classmates, successfully concluding a shared goal. Between the months of January – April 2022, the numbers in graduates are:

  • 701 High School
  • 353 Engineering
  • 278 of Bachelors
  • 292 of Masters
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The Secretary of Education of the State of Guanajuato, Jorge Enrique Hernández Meza, was in the event and he said:

“This is a day to remember, that even when breathless they will be able to say that there was a July 21 in which they celebrated this merit. They had to sacrifice good things for better things, for which I congratulate them. Know that the most important learning is always that the greatest number of limits is built in our heads, I hope that today new hope is forged, the new spirit to continue building and understand that the future requires us to learn permanently. ”

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The dean of UVEG Guadalupe Valenzuela Ríos said:

“It always makes me very emotional to receive them, feel proud to see them with their families in celebration, we are even receiving 1,624 hearts that beat very hard for UVEG, and although the vast majority are from our beloved Guanajuato, we have graduates from 31 of the 32 States of the Mexican Republic, in addition to international students from the United States, Germany, Denmark and Peru. How wonderful to know that we have reached so many places, because our university opens the doors for everyone… my dear warriors, my dear warriors, I know that to get here you had to overcome multiple obstacles, so I want you to recognize the strength of your heart and that will capable of transforming, I wish that you continue to be the ones who write your own history in favor of Guanajuato and this country.”

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Fanny Esmeralda Alvarez Sánchez, graduate of the Master’s in Education with a Focus on Online Education, commented:

“It was 11:23 I remember the time because I was with the computer open and looking at the clock, when a melodious voice told me: Mommy, it’s late, you should rest, do you have homework? do I help you? That disposition of my beloved 10-year-old son gave me the energy I needed right at that moment to continue and finish what I had proposed that night. I express these words with great gratitude because we have achieved what many of us feared or not we had resources or quality time, they were incessant months of great perseverance, of great effort, above all, of a great example for those around us”.

Clases master

As the institution reaches 15th years, they are already working to continue adding efforts to create opportunities that contribute to the formation of the profiles most demanded by the productive sectors inside and outside the State of Guanajuato.

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