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5th Walnut and Quince Fair in Jalpa

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5th Walnut and Quince Fair in Jalpa

Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en español: The Major of Purisima del Rincon, invited to be part of the 5th Gastronomic Fair

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The Major of Purisima del Rincon, invited to be part of the 5th Gastronomic Fair of the Walnut and Quince 2023 on Sunday August 27th in the Magic Town Jalpa de Canovas, where more than 8 thousand visitors are expected.

Clases master

“It is a gastronomic, artisans and cultural program, not to mention the essence itself of the Magic Town of Jalpa de Canovas, with its natural cleanliness, its linear park, the temple and museum, the attractions of the place are ready”, said Roberto Garcia Urbanmo the Major of Purisima.

Jalpa de Canovas Puisima Guanajuato 3

The exhibitors are:

  • 32 from Magic Town of Jalpa de Canovas
  • 15 from Purisima del Rincon
  • 19 guests from San Francisco del Rincon, Celaya, Dolores Hidalgo,  Comonfort, Leon, Manuel Doblado, Penjamo and Salvatierra

Among the gifts and treasures of the Magic Town one of the most important is the Walnut Orchard in an extension of 18 hectareas, with 1,200 trees, it is the biggest in El Bajio.

Jalpa de Canovas Puisima Guanajuato 4

Visiting and local families have the opportunity to spend time together, to take a break and relax, while for the Walnut and Quince Fair there are activities for all ages and at a low cost.

Jalpa de Canovas Puisima Guanajuato 5

There are rooms to receive visitors who decide to stay the night, the area has 110 rooms for 367 people who decide to stay. Plans are already organized to reinforce security.

Activities for August 27th in the Walnut and Quince Fair:

  • 11-11:30am               Music
  • 11:30-12:30pm         Talents from the Culture House of Purisima del Rincon
  • 12:30-1pm                 Ritmo Selecta from Irapuato
  • 1–3pm                       Mariachi Embajador Jaliscience
  • 3-4 pm                       Protocolar Act and Awards ceremony
  • 4-5pm                        Rondalla Irapuatense from IMCAR
  • 5-6pm                        Folkloric Ballet IMCAR
  • 6:30-8:30pm           Music Band “Los Cruzitos” from Purisima del Rincon

More Information:

Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

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