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52 years as a traffic agent


52 years as a traffic agent

The “Soy de Leon” award was granted to Salvador Vallejo Montiel for his 5 decades of service. The Municipal Government, headed by Mayor Ale Gu

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The “Soy de Leon” award was granted to Salvador Vallejo Montiel for his 5 decades of service.

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The Municipal Government, headed by Mayor Ale Gutierrez Campos, recognized the trajectory of Commander of Traffic, agent Salvador Vallejo Montiel for his 52 years of loyalty and service to the Corporation of Public Security, Vallejo received the “Yo Soy de Leon” award.

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Mayor Gutierrez thanked Vallejo and said that thanks to his actions, his watch and intelligence work through all this years, the massive events in the City have occurred successfully and safe for citizens, reporting zero casualties.

Award Soy de Leon 3

“Of course, I am proud and satisfied”, said Vallejo“If you choose this career, do it professionally, with love, and do it well convinced, that way you will want to go on in this job, because you can achieve a lot of satisfaction”.

Leon/Gto News

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