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4,000 jobs are offered to Leoneses

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4,000 jobs are offered to Leoneses

In total, more than 4,000 vacancies were offered by 230 companies operating in Guanajuato With the Labor Links strategy, more employment opportuni

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In total, more than 4,000 vacancies were offered by 230 companies operating in Guanajuato

With the Labor Links strategy, more employment opportunities are coming so that Guanajuatenses can increase their quality of life

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Leon/Gto News

Today our State and our Country demand that we continue advancing in the generation of formal jobs”, said the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development -SDES-, Ramon Alfaro Gomez, during the inauguration of the 3rd. Labor Link in Leon.

Clases master

The Official highlighted that the Government of Guanajuato, led by Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, undertakes actions that develop talent, aptitudes and abilities in Guanajuatenses so that they can access new opportunities through a formal job.

Jobs Labor Link Leon Guanajuato 3

“If today we want profitable, sustained and sustainable companies, we must invest in human talent, in the worker; this is how we are going to get ahead, to the extent that we have companies that think beyond generating employment, of being profitable, it is necessary to create a socially competitive and responsible environment”, said Alfaro Gomez.

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This type of event has the objective of creating job alternatives so that job seekers can connect in an agile and timely manner. 

This time the job offer for the municipality of Leon and the region was of:

  • More than 4 thousand vacancies
  • 230 companies
  • For profiles of professionals, technicians and operators

There were companies like:

  • Grupo Plasma, Pepsico, Hitachi, Michelin, Adecco, HEB, Denso, Kenworth, Ecodeli, Brantano, among others

SDES promotes actions and programs in response to the demand for human talent required by companies for Guanajuatenses to access to a better quality of life.

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