The first generation of University SABES LeonLen University graduates 26 students completed their university studies Da click en el link al fin
The first generation of University SABES LeonLen University graduates
26 students completed their university studies
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Leon/Gto News
The Advanced System of Baccalaureate and Superior Education in Guanajuato –SABES- held the Graduation Ceremony of the First Generation of Universidad Sabes Leon in person.

The first
A total of 26 students are the first to graduate from this university center, 11 on Industrial Engineering and 15 from the Business Administration and Development.

Present at the graduation ceremonies were:
- Master Juan Luis Saldana Lopez, General Director of SABES; the University Director, Dr. Ruben Antonio García Mendoza; Master Geizi Margarita De Alba Ortega, Coordinator of the Leon University Center; Jose de Jesus Tapia Ruiz, graduate of Business Administration and Development; Brian Orlando Davila Ramirez, Graduate of Industrial Engineering Career; Master Maria de Lourdes Morales Andrade and Master Sigfrido Sandoval Flores, both professors at the university and Master Georgina Calderon Sierra, SABES Academic Director.

“I thank you for having believed in you, but also for having trusted in this institution, take advantage of those capacities, skills and tools that we offer you here, that will help you grow personally and professionally. Do not forget that your university will always have its doors open for whatever you need, congratulations and welcome to professional life”, said Master Juan Luis Saldana Lopez.

More students are coming
SABES León University currently has an enrollment of 657 students, expecting that in September of this year approximately 400 new entrants will be received.
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