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130 State Attorney agents graduate

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130 State Attorney agents graduate

In Guanajuato we work together, with all security corps, to safeguard citizens: Governor Guanajuato has new agents specialized in law enforcement

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In Guanajuato we work together, with all security corps, to safeguard citizens: Governor

Guanajuato has new agents specialized in law enforcement

Guanajuato/Gto News

“We are very proud of our agents and elements who fight impunity and crime, above all, of the work done every day by those who make up the State Attorney General’s Office”, said Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo.

Rodriguez Vallejo was at the graduation ceremony for Criminal Investigation Agents and the Specialty in Criminal Justice Prosecution.

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In Mexico, said the Governor, we are experiencing “difficult times in terms of security,” but this encourages us not to give up, nor to let our guard down in the responsibility of caring for and protecting citizens.

“In Guanajuato, we work together, with all security corps, to safeguard citizens”. The Governor asked those in charge of the institutions to “not stop fighting, not to politicize, not to get hooked and to respond with results”.

“We have always been working without getting involved in political issues, we must carry out continuous and daily work; we have a great responsibility with the Guanajuato society”, said the Governor.

“We will be supporting during our government and strengthening the capabilities of the Prosecutor’s Office and the State Forces, and working in coordination with all authorities,” said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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The Governor urged graduates “not to forget that when entering the Prosecutor’s Office one of the main intentions is to make a change in your surrounding, because you have a vocation and because you want the families of Guanajuato to live safely and in peace”.

“This country has to change, and we are going to do it by working together as a government society, facing society”, said Rodriguez Vallejo. “Thank you to the Prosecutor’s Office for preparing the best investigative agents in all of Mexico; our recognition of the vocation, which is not easy. We are very proud of all of you,” said the Governor.

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The Attorney General of Guanajuato, Carlos Zamarripa Aguirre, thanked the Governor of Guanajuato for the support provided to the Prosecutor’s Office and reiterated his commitment to the administration of justice in Guanajuato, with the work of the new Agents who, on a daily basis, will try to do a good job.

“Our commitment to fulfill the high responsibility of seeking justice arises from the structures created to prepare and maintain the best elements within the framework of a professional career service, where equal opportunities exist for those who increase their self-worth through the effort to be better every day”, said the Prosecutor.

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130 agents graduated, 80 men and 50 women, from generations 81, 82 and 83 of the Initial Training Course for Criminal Investigation Agents, and from generation 40 of the Specialty in Criminal Justice Procurement, of the Attorney General’s Office of Guanajuato.

Training strategies were implemented to have highly trained elements to safeguard, collect, analyze and process information, as part of the Criminal Procedural Justice System, always guaranteeing the effective fight against crime and non-impunity.