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1,200 elements arrive in Guanajuato

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1,200 elements arrive in Guanajuato

The personnel arriving belong to the Mexican Army, the Air Force and the National Guard The elements are assigned to do their tasks in Apaseo El A

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The personnel arriving belong to the Mexican Army, the Air Force and the National Guard

The elements are assigned to do their tasks in Apaseo El Alto, Apaseo El Grande and Celaya

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Sarabia/Gto News

The National Secretary of Defense –SEDENA-, through the Commands of the XII Military Region and the 16th Military Zone, informed the Guanajuatenses about the arrival of 1,200 elements members of different organisms of the Mexican Army and Air Force, as well as of the National Guard.

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The elements are assigned to do their tasks in the municipalities of Apaseo El Alto, Apaseo El Grande and Celaya and add their effort to the activities of the Government Authorities to decrease the violence index in that region of Guanajuato, informed SEDENA in a press release.

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These military elements will reinforce the activities of Public Security in those municipalities, in coordination with Authorities of the 3 levels of Government and inhibit unlawful activities reinforcing inter-institutional actions, informs the press release of SEDENA and notes that these actions will be made “acting at all times with full respect of human rights”.

SEDENA Military Security GUanajuato 4

With these actions, informs SEDENA in the press release, we confirm the commitment of the Government of Mexico through the Secretary of National Defense and of the National Guard to preserve the well being, peace and security of the citizens of the State of Guanajuato.

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